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Vincent Domon elected chairman of IECnet

3 Dec 2020 20:31 | Anonymous

IECnet announces that Mr. Domon has been unanimously elected Chairman on the 22nd of October 2020 during IECnet’s Online AGM 2020. Mr Domon began his four-year term in October 2020 succeeding Mr. Smit.

The goals of Mr. Domon’s tenure include strengthening the involvement of the IECnet Board & all IECnet members in the life of IECnet,and ensuring the quality of new member firms.

As Mr. Domon noted upon his election, ‘IECnet will rise through the ranks of the top world networks by offering audit and tax training to the staff of our member firms, through quality control of all its members, through relationships with professional bodies and governments & through its partnerships with EGIAN and IBLC, and of course its membership to the Forum of Firms. IECnet will become indispensable on the global stage’.

Mr. Domon has been CEO and Chairman of Cecaudit International since 2000, a French firm which supports its clients on all the administrative aspects of running a company, in France and abroad. In 2020, Cecaudit International became SFC Cecaudit International, part of SFC group, a group with 400 employees who serve the needs of almost 7400 clients, over 24 sites in France.

IECnet was formed in 1987 and its members have established an infrastructure of mutual support and share the highest standards of professional duties and client service. IECnet has around 80 members and, thanks to its medium size, extensive personal contacts have been established and strengthened between the members for their mutual benefit and, more importantly, for the benefit of their clients. With members located in six continents, IECnet can support its clients in all their international needs as well as local business requirements to an exceptionally high standard.

IECnet Press Release – IECnet has a new chairman

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