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IECnet press release October 2019: New member Djibouti

10 Oct 2019 14:48 | Anonymous

From their experience in auditing and consulting firms, Odyssée Audit & Conseil’s partners have come to the conviction that Odyssée Audit & Conseil business should serve to guide, advise and support national & transnational companies in their quest for performance and efficiency.Odyssée Audit & Conseil is a firm of expertise in auditing and consulting, led by a founding partner, Member of the Djibouti Order of Chartered Accountants.

Composed of competent, experienced employees with more than 11 years of experience in accounting expertise in financial departments

and willingness to offer their clients support for the management of their company. The firm’s activities cover the following sectors:

Private Companies: Financial & accounting audit, accounting assistance, internal control assessment, drafting of procedures manual, opening balance sheet, staff training, financial plan setup (business plan, cash flow plan);

Development Projects and Programs: Financial & Accounting Audit, development of procedures manual, physical inventory of project assets, development of procedures manuals;

Parastatal Public Enterprises: Accounting & Financial Audit, development of procedures manual, physical inventory of fixed assets, development of procedures manuals, opening balance sheet in the context of restructuring.

Odyssée Audit & Conseil is proud and to join IECnet as the Djibouti member of a network composed of professionals with the highest standards worldwide.

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IECnet press release September 2019 _ IECnet adds new member in Djibouti

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