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25 September is IECnet Day!

3 Sep 2024 10:00 | Katharina Rottenbacher (Administrator)

IECnet was founded on 25 September 1987, so we celebrate "IECnet Day" on that day. Every year there is a competition among our members: Who organises the most creative idea to celebrate IECnet Day? There have been IECnet cakes, IECnet presentation for employees, donations to charity in the name of IECnet and much more. What idea do you have to celebrate the day?

Send us photos and/or videos of your IECnet Day activities! Who will be the IECnet Day winner 2024? 

The winning firm gets IECnet coffee trees planted in their name. These trees will yield coffee beans for coffee that we live and survive on and also, provide oxygen and carbon credits. Let’s keep on planting IECnet trees all over the world!

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